The Fall Event 2023 | Cincinnati, Ohio | Sep 25 - Sep 28
We'll be Building Bridges at The Fall Event 2023 in Cincinnati, Ohio... where progressive garden retailers, service providers, and vendors network, exchange ideas, collaborate, and create new synergies to fuel success. Plus, we'll be touring some of the area’s best garden centers and experiencing some hidden gems in the Cincy Region – and much more!
New this year, The Fall Event will feature two sessions on Monday and Tuesday just for Emerging Leaders! This is a great way to build a strong and successful team of garden center managers to lead the industry into the future. So bring your best and brightest rising stars to Cincy to accelerate their leadership skills.
The Fall Event is all about sharing, learning and growing... it's a unique convergence of networking, learning, and fun in one single package. It forces you to grow and challenge yourself. No matter how long you’ve been in retail or what position you hold in your company, there’s always something to learn.
There are countless reasons why you should attend The Fall Event, but we’ve managed to narrow it down to five:
Connect with your Peers. We know you’ve heard it all before, but networking is a huge part of your success. Meeting face-to-face with your peers provides an opportunity to hear new ideas, collaborate, and tap into a wealth of knowledge. You can develop professional connections and long-lasting relationships, find a mentor – or become one. There's plenty of white space to engage in our community at The Fall Event!
Collaborate with our Service Providers. Our Service Providers are industry experts and solution providers full of new perspectives, advice, and knowledge who truly know what is happening in the world of garden retailing. The Fall Event provides an opportunity for you to discuss your biggest challenges, explore new ideas, and learn what’s working for others!
Learn from our Speakers and Facilitators. Our speakers are leaders in the industry – thought leaders that embody The Group spirit of ingenuity and entrepreneurial drive that will introduce you to new concepts, spark your imagination, and open your mind to new ways of thinking about how you do business every day that can help grow your business!
Engage with our Sponsors. Our sponsors are premier industry suppliers of the products and services you need to run a successful garden center. Invest some time in engaging with them during breaks. While undoubtedly their products can be found on their websites, it’s great to get a hands-on demonstration or be able to ask questions that are specific to your business from the company itself. See their newest products or what's "in the works" and spend some one-on-one time developing profitable business partnerships!
Sharpen Your Saw. While the “sharpen the saw” idea certainly pre-dates Stephen Covey (he lists it as his seventh habit of highly effective people), the idea is that sometimes you have to take a break from the “work” of your work to sharpen your skills. A dull axe won’t cut a tree nearly as effectively as a sharp one. Don’t be the woodcutter hacking away at the tree with a dull ax when you could cut it down in half the time with a sharp one – or learn how to safely use a chainsaw! Leaving the garden center and “sharpening the saw” is investing in yourself and your business!
The Fall Event is a lot of learning packed into a short amount of time, but we always make time for some relaxation and fun! We recommend coming a few days early or staying over to explore on your own. You’ll go home re-energized and ready to apply all that you’ve learned to make your center more successful! And, allowing your employees to get out of the garden center, gain confidence in their ability, and bring fresh ideas back to the business is an investment in your company.
We look forward to seeing you (and your team) in Cincy, September 25 - 28, 2023!
The Fall Event 2023 QuickLinks: 
The Fall Event 2023 - REGISTER The Fall Event 2023 - SCHEDULE The Fall Event 2023 - SPEAKERS & SESSIONS The Fall Event 2023 - TOUR The Fall Event 2023 - HOTEL & TRAVEL The Fall Event 2023 - BEST OF CINCY The Fall Event 2023 - PAINT YOUR PET'S PORTRAIT EVENT The Fall Event 2023 - SPONSORS