Dallas, Texas is located in the Central Time Zone; all times posted are Central Daylight Savings Time (CDT)


2:00pm             -  5:15pm Early Bird Marketing Workshop:  The 5 Pillars of Successful Brand Marketing
Steve Kendall, The Design Works and Kim Nelson, Red Chalk Studios

Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Pegasus AB
5:15pm  - 6:15pm Tequila Time – Margaritas and More
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Foyer
6:15pm     Discover DallasDinner on Your Own


9:00am -  12:00pm Sponsor Setup
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Foyer
9:00am -  1:00pm Registration Open
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Foyer
9:00am - 10:30am Emerging Leaders 2.0 John Kennedy
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 2nd Floor, Preston Room
11:00am - 12:00pm Counterpoint POS Users' Group Meeting
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Pegasus B Room
11:00am - 12:00pm Epicor POS Users' Group Meeting
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Pegasus A Room
11:00am - 12:00pm VMX POS Users' Group Meeting
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Trinity Room 
11:00am - 12:30pm Sponsor Showdown
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Foyer
1:00pm -  1:30pm Welcome to Dallas Opening Session – Danny Summers
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
1:30pm -  2:30pm Big Profits:  Aim Big, Don't Shoot for Average – Tim Quebedeaux
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
2:30pm -  3:00pm Break & Sponsor Showcase
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Foyer
3:00pm -  4:00pm The Best Is Not Always the Biggest:  Surprising & Invaluable Insights – Tim Quebedeaux
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Back to Basics:  Retail Revamp – Go Bigger on the Basics Sid Raisch
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
5:00pm -  6:30pm Welcome to Dallas Reception
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 1st Floor Plaza Atrium
6:30pm     Discover Dallas – Dinner On Your Own


6:00am     The Fall Event 2024 Run/Walk
Depart from the Dallas Marriott Downtown Lobby
7:00am -    8:00am Breakfast
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 2nd Floor, Lakewood Room
8:15am -  9:30am The Evolving Customer – Katie Tamony
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
9:30am - 10:30am Big Ideas for Big Business Thinking – John Kennedy
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
10:30am - 11:00am Break & Sponsor Showcase
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom Foyer
11:00am - 12:00pm Big Trouble at the Employment Corral: Lassoing the Magnificent Seven – Jean Martin
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
12:00pm -  1:15pm Lunch – Big Bites, Big Topics, Big Conversations
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 2nd Floor, Lakewood Room
1:30pm -  2:30pm Big Bold Lonestar Thinking – Robert Hayter
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
2:30pm -  3:00pm Break & Sponsor Showcase
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom Foyer
3:00pm -  5:00pm Go Big Breakout Sessions
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 2nd Floor Preston and 3rd Floor Pegasus, Trinity, White Rock
5:00pm     Discover Dallas – Dinner On Your Own
8:00pm  -  10:00pm Group Gathering – Go Big Networking
Dallas Marriott Downtown, Location TBA


7:00am  8:00am Breakfast
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 2nd Floor, Lakewood Room
8:00am -  8:30am Load Buses
Dallas Marriott Downtown, Front of Hotel Curbside
8:30am - 7:30pm The Fall Event 2024 Tour


7:30am -   9:00am    Breakfast & Dallas Post-Tour Panel Discussion – Moderated by Danny Summers
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom Foyer & Ballroom
9:00am - 9:30am Break & Sponsor Showcase
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom Foyer
9:30am - 10:30am Ask the Pros – Moderated by Danny Summers
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
10:30am - 11:00am The Fall Event Roundup – Danny Summers
Dallas Marriott Downtown, 3rd Floor, Plaza Ballroom
 11:00pm -  12:00pm Sponsor Dismantling


The Fall Event 2024 QuickLinks: 

The Fall Event 2024 - MAIN PAGE
The Fall Event 2024 - REGISTRATION
The Fall Event 2024 - SPEAKERS & SESSIONS
The Fall Event 2024 - TOUR 
The Fall Event 2024 - HOTEL & TRAVEL
The Fall Event 2024 - BEST OF DALLAS
The Fall Event 2024 - SPONSORS