A Culture of WHY
by Danny Summers
Over the past two weeks, we have been experiencing Florence Williams' wonderfully impactful story of 'The Nature Fix.' It is the result of her multi-year work of documenting WHY nature is so important in the health and welfare of every human being.
Many of the details contained in her book support what we all have known for years about the importance of plants and the activity of gardening. We just did not have the science to back up our beliefs... until now.
We have created a special resource page in our Group WebSystem for your use as you continue to study her message to help develop marketing messages for the coming seasons. This page contains three sessions recorded. Step 1 is the presentation by Florence Williams during The Fall Event. Step 2 is the initial "Leveraging The Nature Fix" session during The Fall Event with Robert Hendrickson and Tom Kegley. And finally, Step 3 is a follow-up session of "Leveraging The Nature Fix" from September 9th when Robert and Tom as well as others shared ideas. Simply login and you can find "The Fall Event 2021 - The Nature Fix" page several ways. One is in the Clients-Only Menu, scroll down to see Training - The Nature Fix. Another is in POWERtools located in the Clients-Only Menu in the Hendrickson area of links.
During the Step 3 session last week Robert Hendrickson said, "When crafting a message it is so much easier to just tell the truth." The truth Robert is referring to is the facts about plants and gardening. During this discussion, Robert's 'Why I Garden' study results (also located in POWERtools) were highlighted and he said he felt the results really fit within 'The Nature Fix' facts.
You have the facts now. As you read 'The Nature Fix' you will find dozens of topics you can then craft a very truthful and caring message about your plants and the activity of gardening. Here's a couple of suggestions...
- On the resource page, download the handout that Robert and Tom shared.
- Watch the three sessions on the resource page.
- Read 'The Nature Fix' book and as you do, make notes of keywords and phrases.
- Have as many of your team read the book as possible.
- Share the major facts/truths from 'The Nature Fix' with all of your team.
- Develop a list of these facts/truths and promote them in your team training.
- Be sure to promote Florence Williams' 'The Nature Fix' as an important research reference for your WHY and encourage your community to read the book as well. You could link to her site for purchase. You will see her website on our resource page.
These 7 suggestions can help you develop your WHY. Why you do everything you do. This can also help you redefine a mission or purpose for your Center. It can help you develop a culture of WHY with all of your team and especially when you on-board new team members. I believe you have a very important role to play in your community. When you consider all of the health and wellness benefits related to your WHY, that is powerful incentives for your work. Just remember back a few months and the many wonderful comments you received from your community for being open for them during extremely stressful times. This is powerful stuff and this can even help you better tell that story to your community!
You have a great story in your WHY just waiting to be told.
You now have the proof for what you have believed all along.
As I write this I am reminded of the powerful creative work Tom Kegley shared in his blog message "Let Your Center's Brand Rock." Be sure to revisit it HERE.
Sharing is at the heart of The Group and your ideas are very important. Are you and your staff all subscribed to our eLists such as GroupEs, Retail-Grower, Retail-Landscape, Owners-Only, and a number of others? Need help subscribing? Let me know as I can show you how you can sign up.
Thanks for sharing!
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Steve Bailey, Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, Robert Hendrickson, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!