Search for the Best!
by Danny Summers
New Plants and New Products create excitement. The combination of anticipation, expectations, and optimism drives the powerful will to explore. Just ask Indiana Jones – although he wasn't searching for what's new.
The interest in what's new is certainly true in our industry and two weeks from now, many of us will be at Cultivate'22 in Columbus, Ohio. While its roots have been in floriculture production, today Cultivate includes all segments of the industry and covers all five of what I call our standard greengoods categories: Annuals, Herbs/Veggies, Perennials, Shrubs and Trees – and even a few Tropicals.
If you plan to attend Cultivate'22 on Sunday, July 17th, you are invited to be a part of our Retailers' Choice Awards™ nominating process. It can beand simple, fun, and productive for your Center. I provide you with a nominating form and you work the show on Sunday at your own pace. As you see plants or products you want to nominate you make notes and take a photo or two. Then we gather late in the day to share what everyone found. And this is the best part: You meet other Centers participating, and receive a compiled list at the end of the day to vote your top 15 items overnight. Finally, I present the winners on Monday (you don't have to be present for the awards but you are invited). And one of the very best benefits is you have an exclusive list of all nominated products to see on Monday.
I am convinced there will be hundreds of new plants and products at Cultivate'22 just waiting to be discovered. Just think about how you felt the first time you saw and heard about a new rose called Knock Out® or a new hydrangea called Endless Summer® or a new petunia called Wave®. Certainly, not all new products change the whole dynamics around plant use or their application like these but just a new color or variation can create excitement for all of us (and especially your customers).
What will we find this year? It will certainly include some amazing new plants and I can't wait to see what we find together.
I invite you to join us. Sign up through the Retailers' Choice Awards™ HERE.
And now let's talk about your plans for The Fall Event 2022. Have you made your hotel reservations? Be sure to arrive on or before Sunday to allow time for seeing some of Kansas City's amazing sites. You can see details on our Best of Kansas City page HERE.
We hope to see you in Kansas City, September 19-22, 2022 where we'll be exploring Beyond the Boundaries of Garden Retailing. The Fall Event is all about sharing, learning, and growing. No matter how long you’ve been in retail or what position you hold in your company, there’s still something to learn. It's a Can't-Miss event! For program details, registration, and hotel information CLICK HERE. And watch for more program details of The Fall Event 2002 each week.
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!