Success... by the Trailer Load!
by Danny Summers
For everyone who has attended The Fall Event, you know one thing you can count on is recognizing the most successful performing Garden Centers from our two financial sharing programs, the Weekly Department Review (WDR) and the Annual P&L Study. During the first day of The Fall Event 2021, we did just that. In fact, this year we handed out more awards than ever before!
When Steve and Tim sent me the reports for both the WDR and the P&L Study, I knew there would be a lot of awards this year. But it was when I picked up all of the plaques at our trophy supplier that it really hit me just how many more there were this year. In fact, we had to rent a U-Haul trailer for the trip to Wilmington – for the first time ever!
We want to share photos taken during this year's Awards Presentation below. As you see these photos keep in mind, not all award-winning Centers were in attendance at The Fall Event. Over the past week, we have been busy shipping the remaining plaques to those Centers as well. To see a large version of any of the photos, simply click on the photo to open a larger version.
The WDR 100% Club Awards
Sixty-one Centers are recognized for reporting every week they were open - July 2020 through June 2021. As you can see I had a difficult time just getting everyone in the picture (Carol Thomas, I am so sorry I cut you off on the left side!) Here's a list of the 61 centers, receiving the 100% Club Awards for 2020-2021:
American Tree, Atlantic Nursery, B.B. Barns, Bath Garden Center, Bedner's Farm & Greenhouse, H.J. Benken Florist & Garden Center, Berns Garden Center Beavercreek, Berns Garden Center Middletown , Bloom Greenhouse & Garden Centre, Bountiful Acres, Civano Nursery, Corso's Flower &. Garden Center, Dambly's Garden Center , Del's Garden Center, Dickman Farms Greenhouse & Garden Center, Dothan Nurseries, EarthWorks, Ellis Home & Garden - Bossier, Ellis Home & Garden - Longview, Estabrook's Farm & Greenhouses - Kennebunk, Estabrook's Farm & Greenhouses - Yamouth, Fairview Greenhouses , For Garden's Sake, Four Seasons Greenhouse & Nursery, The Gardener's Center and Florist, Gateway Garden Center, Green Haven Garden Center, Hoerr Nursery, Hunters Garden Centre Inc - Vancouver, Hunters Garden Centre Inc - Surrey, International Garden Center, Kennedy's Country Gardens, Kerby's Nursery & Landscaping, Lindley's Nursery and Garden Center, Magnolia Garden Center, Meadows Farms - Leesburg, Meadows Farms - Dulles, Meadows Farms - GBGH, Mostardi Nursery , Natorp Nursery Outlet, Nelson Water Gardens & Nursery, New Garden Gazebo, Plants for All Seasons, Quality Garden & Pet, Rockledge Gardens, Rolling Green Nursery, Round Rock Garden Center, Shonnard's, Skinner Garden Store, Sunny Meadows Garden Center, Sunnypoint Gardens & Gifts, Sunnyside Gardens, Sweetwater Garden Enterprises, Terra Gardens Nursery & Bark, Town & Country Gardens, Van Wilgen's Garden Center, Van Wilgens Garden Mart - Guilford, Van Wilgens Garden Mart - Milford, Van Wilgens Garden Mart - Old Saybrook, White Oak Gardens, Wilson's Garden Center.
The Annual P&L Study 2020 High Achiever Awards
These Centers (American Tree, B.B. Barns, Burnett’s Country Gardens, Dickman Farms Greenhouse & Garden Center, Graf Growers, Ken Matthews Garden Center, Louisiana Nursery, Meadows Farms, Milmont Greenhouses, New Garden Gazebo, Reems Creek Nursery, Rockledge Gardens, Round Rock Garden Center, Sunny Meadows Garden Center, Town & Country Gardens, Wilson’s Garden Center) are recognized for reaching the High Achiever level of profit (above 5% to 9.99% net) during the 2020 year.
The Annual P&L Study 2020 Best Practices Awards
These Centers (Altum’s, Berns Garden Center, Bloom Greenhouse & Garden Centre, Bountiful Acres, Buchanan's Native Plants, Del's Garden Center, Dothan Nurseries, Ellis Home & Garden, FarWest Landscape & Garden Center, Fernwood Garden Center, Fiddleheads Garden Center, Gateway Garden Center, Hoerr Nursery, Hunters Garden Centre, Jericho Nursery, Kennedy's Country Gardens, Kerby's Nursery & Landscaping, Magnolia Garden Center, Meadows Farms, Mostardi Nursery, My Secret Garden, Natorp Nursery Outlet, Rhoads Garden Center, Sandy's Back Porch Garden Center, Shonnard’s, Skinner Garden Store, South Pleasantburg Nursery, Rogers Spring Hill Garden Center, Terra Gardens Nursery & Bark, White Oak Gardens) are recognized for reaching the Best Practices level of profit (above 10% net) during the 2020 year. Normally this is our highest level recognized (until we raised the bar in 2020).
The Annual P&L Study 2020 Best of the Best Awards (New)
These Centers (Atlantic Nursery, Bedner's Farm & Greenhouse, Civano Nursery, Fairview Greenhouses, Four Seasons Greenhouse & Nursery, Gill Garden Center & Landscape Co., Plants for All Seasons, Rolling Green Nursery, Sunnypoint, Watters Garden Center) are recognized for reaching a whole new level this year... the Best of the Best level of profit (above 20% net) during the 2020 year. These Centers participated in a panel discussion at The Fall Event and shared their secrets of Raising the Bar in 2020.
Sharing is part of The Group's DNA and through our two financial sharing programs, the Weekly Department Review (WDR) and the Annual P&L Study, a record number of Group Centers shared important details throughout the year to help each other be better and reach new heights of performance. For each Center's staff and management who shared in these unique programs, we want to say THANK YOU for all of your efforts not only to report but to dig into the numbers to be driven to make your operation and others better!
I also want to say THANK YOU to both Steve Bailey and Tim Quebedeaux for all their hard work to communicate, collect and analyze the vast data and help every Center become stronger, more productive, and be smarter retailers!
GROUP SHARING: Helping You Work Smarter, Not Harder!
Thanks for sharing!
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Steve Bailey, Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, Robert Hendrickson, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!