Performance Reviews:The Pruning that Leads to Blooming!
Performance Reviews: The Pruning that Leads to Blooming!
By Jean L. Seawright, CMC
There’s no question that employees are more effective when working in an environment that promotes regular communication about expectations and results. People want to know where they stand—even if it isn’t good. A performance review can address this need by answering the burning question every employee has: “How am I doing?”
Unfortunately, in many organizations, performance reviews have gone by the wayside, even though the younger generation of workers—the Millennials—are known for their need to receive regular feedback (and praise!) from management.
If your organization has bypassed reviews lately, it might be time to dust off the program or reinvent the process to ensure a more effective evaluation experience. After all, the return on your investment of time is significant when you consider the benefits of implementing an effective review program.
Creating an effective performance evaluation program is one of the most important, though difficult, jobs a business can undertake. No other organizational system affects as many people as the performance evaluation does, nor affects them in such important ways. The performance evaluation system itself, combined with the way in which it is administered, affects how much money people will be paid, their relationship with their supervisor, their opportunities for promotion and professional growth, and their level of engagement with the organizational culture.
There is no set formula or principle that leads to the ‘best’ performance evaluation program. Organizations should consider how work gets done, the important accountabilities for each position, supervisory skills related to evaluating employees, the compensation structure, and the degree of complexity desired. For example, will there be a goal-setting form? Employee self-evaluation forms? Automatic pay reviews? Evaluations administered after 90 days? Written guidelines for managers? Once these decisions are made, job-specific forms and a logical, fair process can be designed.
Every company is unique. Find a system and implement a process that works for your organization! Need help... we're here for you!
Remember, as a Group Client, if you have questions on the hiring process, performance reviews or need help with any HR issues, Seawright & Associates is already on your team. Give them a call!
Jean Seawright
Seawright & Associates
100 E. Ventris Avenue
Maitland, Florida 32751
P: 407.645.2433, ext. 14
[email protected]
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REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Jean Seawright, Robert Hendrickson, Steve Bailey, Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, and John Kennedy are included in your retainer!