Group Client Advisory: I-9 Compliance
by Seawright & Associates
On Wednesday, November 7th, Seawright & Associates' Jean Martin presented a GROUPtalk-Live webinar for Group Clients titled "Winter is Coming... Prepare for ICE!" This was one of the largest attendance for any GROUPtalk-Live sessions and for obvious reasons. This is a very important subject and it also underscores the importance of having the talents and resources of Seawright & Associates for our Group Centers (a huge benefit of being in The Group). Prior to the session, Jean had supplied both the current I-9 Paper Version Form and Instructions for each participant for note taking.
During this hour-long session, Jean Martin meticulously worked through each section of the I-9 form, detailing the procedures for handling its completion, both by the employer and employee, as well as recent changes. Jean explained in certain areas, how often errors are made and she gave explanations on proper correction procedures. The goal during this entire session and process is to be accurate as an employer and avoid problems.
Following this session, Seawright & Associates has prepared a lengthy advisory for The Group Clients titled: Seawright Immigration Compliance Client Advisory. This 6-page advisory gives detailed guidance from this GROUPtalk-Live session. Jean Martin said this advisory contains the answers to questions asked most often. This document as a PDF was distributed to all Group Clients registered for the sessions. Any Group Clients not present for the sessions, we strongly encourage you download this important advisory. Here's how:
Login to The Group WebSystem. Go to Clients-Only Menu and then to POWERtools page. There you scroll down to the Seawright & Associates' section to see (1) Current I-9 Paper Form, (2) I-9 Form Instructions, and (3) the Seawright Advisory detailed above. Each are PDF documents.
We want to express our appreciation to Jean Martin and Seawright & Associates for their work on behalf of The Garden Center Group. Their services to each Group Client is made possible by client retainers.
Group Clients - Remember, Seawright & Associates are on your team!