Back to the Future
by Robert Hendrickson
I liked the movie “Back To The Future”. Cool plot, great title. (Although the phrase was first coined by Ray Bradbury in his 1951 book, The Illustrated Man.) Looks like I’m going to do exactly what the title suggests beginning January, 2022.
A friend of mine operated a book store in Evergreen, Colorado where our band was located in the early ‘70’s. During the day I stocked shelves at his store. At night he was our roadie to get into performances for free. It was a nice trade-off. The first time I saw a copy of Mother Earth News was at his store, then read every new issue that arrived. The enticement of gardens, goats, chickens and woodstoves pushed music to the side, so I headed back to Illinois and found a farm house with a barn, pond, chicken coop and deep, black soil. It was a fun but difficult ten-year learning experience. (Chickens hate being planted too deep.) A forty-seven-year detour into the garden center industry followed. But that’s coming to a close.
I spent a long career helping people on the business side of cash register counters but now wait in line on the customer side purchasing plants, tools and garden accessories for 3GFarm… an evolving 10-acre project of Gardens, Goats and Grandkids.
2021 will be my last year involved with The Group and garden center industry. Beginning in January my full attention will be focused on developing a place where Wendy and I can host people interested in native plants, herbs, veggies, forest walks and prairies, then end the day at Sunset Bar… where the silly owners provide free food and drinks to anyone stopping by.
The garden center industry has been an exciting, rewarding ride. But it’s time to get back to the future. Stop by if you’re ever in the area. Mark Twain loved Hannibal, MO.
So would you.

Thank you Robert and Wendy!
If you would like to send a note of congratulations and thank you, their mailing address is: 55891 Oak Brook Rd, New London MO 63459