New Form I-9, Weed at Work, and New Labor Agenda in Washington
New Form I-9, Weed at Work and New Labor Agenda in Washington
Jean Seawright, Seawright & Associates
As the first 100 days of President Trump's Administration comes to a close, one thing is abundantly clear: It's a new day for businesses. But how this "new day" plays out is anyone's guess.
On the one hand, the Administration is committed to easing the regulatory burden for employers. On the other hand, government officials have made it abundantly clear that tougher enforcement of immigration laws is a priority, leaving employers who depend on immigrant workers uneasy.
To help you prepare for changes in immigration enforcement, read the blog article about the new I-9 and increased penalties for noncompliance and be sure to link to the special Immigration Compliance Client Advisory. It's packed with critical tips and recommendations for ensuring compliance with current U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regulations, instructions for completing the new Form I-9, and much more! This is a document you definitely want to download and save!
To help you prepare for other anticipated HR-related changes, check out the New Administration, New Day for Businesses blog article. From compensatory time off to paid family leave, this article highlights widely anticipated changes in the employment arena and provides an update of the infamous Overtime Rule and paid sick leave for federal contractors.
Last, but not least, is a topic that has generated a cloud of confusion among employers---Weed at Work, originally shared here in the blog in March. Whether or not your business is located in a state that has decriminalized recreational or medical marijuana use, with millions of Americans using marijuana, it's only a matter of time before your workplace is impacted. Read this article for important insight into this smoking hot topic!
And, as a Client of The Garden Center Group, be sure to request a copy of our newly revised Sample Drug and Alcohol Use Policy that addresses medical marijuana, prescription drug use, and more. Click the link at the end of the Weed at Work blog article to request this comprehensive policy.
As always, if you have questions about these or other HR matters, let us know!
Jean Seawright, CMC

In addition, Seawright & Associates offers Group clients a unique one-on-one service arrangement to help meet additional human resource needs and challenges, most of which is INCLUDED IN YOUR GROUP RETAINER. For more information about Seawright & Associates visit
This article was originally published in Garden Center magazine’s February 2017 issue at the following link: