Good New Fridays
by Jean Seawright
After nine long months of living with a pandemic, employers and employees alike are exhausted and stressed. Thankfully, the end is now in sight, although it won’t be fully realized for several months. For now, the virus is surging again and, this time, in the midst of the holidays that even in the best of times can create anxiety for many people.
Employers are wondering what they can do to ease employee distress. As an owner, here’s one small, easy, and cost-free thing you can implement right away to spread some cheer in the midst of a lot of negative news: Good News Fridays. This is something a Seattle construction and engineering company, McKinstry Co., LLC, implemented to help boost morale. The firm sends out a company-wide memo every Friday that highlights positive things that happened at the company (feedback from a happy customer, new business, etc.). This simple action can serve as a reminder to employees that there are still good things happening in the midst of these troubling times.
In addition to highlighting positive things that happened at the company, you could invite employees to submit their own good news, such as the birth or adoption of a baby or grandchild; the achievement of a personal best (e.g., wellness) or major goal, such as completing a 5K run or getting a special certificate or license; a new home or successful move; an employee’s engagement, marriage, or graduation (or the employee’s son or daughter’s engagement, marriage, or graduation); or a new pet in the home. If you haven’t already implemented company anniversary acknowledgements, you could also include these.
If you decide to implement Good News Fridays, when writing your memo, keep in mind that while there is good news to share, many of your employees are sincerely struggling, so it’s best to present the good news in an empathetic, thoughtful manner.
Remember, as a Group Client, if you have questions on the hiring process, performance reviews or need help with any HR issues, Seawright & Associates is already on your team. Give them a call!
Jean Seawright
Seawright & Associates
100 E. Ventris Avenue
Maitland, Florida 32751
P: 407.645.2433, ext. 14
[email protected]
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