The Art of Effective Recruiting
by Jean Seawright
Here's a frightening thought: It's all up to you!
Your company's future growth and success are directly proportionate to your ability to hire and retain talented, productive employees. Yikes! Easier said than done in today's intensely competitive job market.
With fewer candidates available, employers must up their game when it comes to recruiting.
To successfully attract talent, you must first have an environment where people want to work. Even the best recruiting tactics won't make up for what's lacking internally, so start by assessing your workplace. Take an honest look at your compensation rates, benefits, culture, training programs, and the strength of your management team. Then evaluate your vehicles, uniforms, online presence, community reputation, and buildings.
Ask yourself: What's your image and what message does this send to potential employees? Do you pay at or above market rates? Do you offer benefits that appeal to the younger generation of workers, flexibility, and a work-life balance? Why would someone want to work for your company versus a competitor's company?
Determine what sets your company apart and ensure hiring managers can articulate this with enthusiasm! Function from the perspective that recruiting is selling and it's a buyer's market (you're competing against other employers as candidates have multiple jobs to choose from).
Once you have an environment where people want to work, the next step is to get the word out and proactively attract talent. There are dozens of recruiting tactics and what works for one company will not necessarily work for another. Company culture, position characteristics, location, labor market realities, and competitive pressures should be considered before determining which recruiting strategies to adopt.
The companies with the highest recruiting success rates use multiple methods for attracting talent. They also adopt an "everyone is a recruiter" mentality and implement programs that encourage recruiting at all levels. They understand the importance of casting a wide net when recruiting and invest the time and effort necessary to proactively attract talent and keep the pipeline full.
If you're serious about attracting talent, consider adopting some of the strategies used by successful companies. Click HERE to read 25 tips for talent sourcing in 2019.
Closing the Deal
Once you get candidates lined up at the door, make sure you have a comprehensive process with legally-compliant forms for screening candidates, reducing risk, and verifying qualifications. Invest the time necessary to conduct a thorough interview and adequate background checks.(See Clients-Only / POWERtools menu for details).
Do not delegate interviewing to an untrained manager! Ensure interviewers are adept at asking the right questions, reading between the lines, and selling the company and the position.
Keep Them Engaged
If recruiting is marketing, then retaining employees is akin to reselling a customer. How do you keep your customers? Determine and meet their needs. Offer new services at a fair price. Create value. Treat them with respect.
The same goes for employees.
And, if you put as much effort into attracting and retaining great employees as you do into finding and keeping good customers, it will pay off!
If you have any questions, let us know.
Remember, as a Group Client, if you have questions on about the hiring process or need help with any HR issues, Seawright & Associates is already on your team. Give them a call!
Jean Seawright
Seawright & Associates
NEW ADDRESS: 100 E. Ventris Avenue
Maitland, Florida 32751
P: 407.645.2433, ext. 14
[email protected]
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Robert Hendrickson, Steve Bailey, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy and Jean Seawright, are included in your retainer!