Making the Connection
By Danny Summers
While the vast majority of Super Bowl 2023 ads are now a very distant memory, I thought a few are noteworthy. That's pretty amazing when you consider the reported costs were $6-7 MILLION for a 30-second spot and there were enough of them, if you string them all together, to be over 1 hour long. So, in doing a totally non-scientific research review, here are three I want to bring back for seeing one more time.
Dunkin - Drive Thru (with someone you may recognize). It turns out Ben Affleck is an avid customer and fan of Dunkin Donuts. Obviously, after Dunkin finds that out, having him featured staffing a drive-thru made an impression. Oh yes, and having his wife (2x) also in appearance didn't hurt either!
Takeaway: Have one or more of your Center's biggest fans in your messaging.
The other two I want to highlight both have Leading Canine Characters!
Takeaway: We are positioned to be emotionally supportive of the leading dog here and are equally nervous about what the arriving crate might bring... and we are equally relieved when the new little side-kick arrives! This is truly Emotional Marketing.
You might say... it's almost a Hallmark moment!
The Farmers Dog - Forever. The message is probably at the top of the positive reviews and it begins with two young friends and one telling the other..."I will always take care of you". You take a journey through the years of seeing them grow into adulthood and the ending scene shows a young mother and her kids with the "old friend" and she sings... This is another great example of Emotional Marketing.
And no is a Hallmark moment!
The interesting observation on the last two is The Brand is shown in a very subtle way, with a small product being used in view and the logo shown at the end.
Watch Them All: And if simply watching just these three are not enough (or if you had another favorite) follow this link to watch all the ads stitched together... all in all over 1 hour total – WATCH THEM ALL HERE.
And as I see these ads it is impossible NOT to be taken back to when Hallmark's Darren Abbott shared so many wonderful insights for building the emotional connection with your audience. This is the perfect time to revisit that message. Just login to The Group WebSystem and navigate to the Clients-Only Menu and down to Training - The Power of Emotional Marketing.
Darren is right... Making the Emotional Connection is the key!
Happy Sharing!
PS: If you have more time to spend seeing all the 2023 Super Bowl Ads all together (total of just over an hour)... here's your chance – Watch them all HERE!
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Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!