Sharing the Magic!
by Danny Summers
As you create and implement your promotional plans for 2023, you have the opportunity to do so with what we have learned over the last three years... how important gardening and plants are to us (all human beings).
Actually, this journey of understanding the importance of plants, the garden, and the activity of gardening began much earlier. One important message that comes to mind was when Robert Hendrickson shared the results of a survey done to answer the fundamental question... "Why I Garden?" Robert shared that with us in 2015 and you can find the top 30 answers in The Group WebSystem by navigating to the Clients-Only menu and down to POWERtools. Just look in the first section in the Marketing area.
While the answers to Robert's questions vary widely, there is one common thread... It's just good for us!
This past week I have seen Group Centers doing their part to "Share the Magic" as I read some of the emails they send to their guests. Of course, some or most are focused on Tropicals right now, but you can quickly see how Group Centers have generally moved away from anything close to price marketing. Most of us agree... it is not about price!
There certainly is a time for promoting a price approach and Sid Raisch has given The Group the best advice over the years in this area. But overall, the opportunity to Share the Magic of plants, the garden, and the activity of gardening seems to have a better approach with a much greater response. In watching our Centers over the past few years, taking the "inspirational high ground" seems to be working best.
Here are just a few of the recent emails I have seen I would like to share. As discussed last week in our Marketing eList, it would be great if all of us subscribed to each other's messaging, all the while understanding that marketing messages are subjective, not all Centers or markets are the same and what works for one may not work for another. But sharing the "creative juices" seems to be inspiring and motivating to be more creative yourself.
The first email is from Dickman Farms and they are feeding the emotional connection to plants in this message. They include a number of important keywords to connect to the reader. It begins with...
"Your houseplants a.k.a. home decor exude your personal style displaying colors you love, textures that put a sparkle in your eye and some plants that may evoke a feeling or emotional connection. Whatever you’re feeling in the moment, houseplants can help you feel grounded and connected to nature and may intrinsically bring good vibes to you, your family and your home."
You can see their entire email by clicking on the image below.
The next one is from Berns Garden Center and they too are focusing on the Tropical Plant "Parenthood" trend and offer an answer to the question... Do I have too many plants? Check out their answer below and click on the image to see the entire email.
I like the answer... I Need More Shelves!
I also want to show what Watters Garden Center shared... Does Talking to Houseplants Help? They begin by saying:
"Research shows plants have a definite calming effect on their gardener. Plants are so understanding. They refrain from arguing, asking difficult questions, or interrupting when speaking. It’s no wonder, so many gardeners talk to plants.
A survey of 1250 gardeners found 50% spend time talking to their plants. [] When asked why gardeners talk to their plants, “It helps my plants grow.” The research could be more definitive. Researchers have proven sound does affect plants, with further study needed for the human voice specifically."
Be sure to click on the image to see the entire email/blog article.
Here's another one just in last Friday from Buchanan's Native Plants. Keep in mind they are located closer to downtown. Their push is to get ready for spring... actually "Prep Your Garden". They are using some keywords such as Urban Harvest Class, New Pottery... Create Your Garden Oasis, and Add Fragrance to the Garden. Click on the image to see the entire email.
And one more that ventures into a different direction. Actually, I had one Center last week asking about ideas to create an event for Pets, either before or after the Spring Season rush. It's another one from Bern's Garden Centers... It's Time to PAW-TY!
As you click on each of these email images above and go to each full email message, I challenge you to ask yourself... Where's the Price?
That's just it, there are NO PRICES ANYWHERE HERE!
One more message for everyone while talking email messaging... PLEASE make sure to add a "View this email in your browser" option link, either at the top or bottom. I suggest the top as most opens are now on mobile devices and browsers present the graphics much better than email programs. If you are using Constant Contact, here's a How To. If you are using Mail Chimp here's a How To.
I hope seeing these emails has your creative juices going and helps in your promotional plans. And remember, The Group Promotional Calendar is only a click away, under Clients Only/POWERtools.
Now back to where we began... As you create and implement your promotional plans for 2023 you have the opportunity to do so – Sharing the Magic!
Let's be prepared for a great Spring!
Sharing is at the heart of The Group and your ideas are very important. If you have any trouble logging into The Group WebSystem, please let me know. Are you and your staff all subscribed to our eLists such as GroupEs, Retail-Grower, Retail-Landscape, Owners-Only, and a number of others? Need help subscribing? Let me know so I can show you how you can sign up.
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!