Dust Off Your Image
by Danny Summers
The new year is just around the corner and I know you are already knee-deep in planning for it. Here are a few things to consider adding to your list in preparation for Spring 2023...
How's Your Center's Image?
What's your Center's image like? And when we say image, we should consider your image includes a number of elements. First and foremost... your logo. Does it have a 60's or 70's feel? That's probably a great place to begin. But let's face it, your logo is just the beginning. Your facility itself is part of your image. Renovations, new fresh paint, and all of your signage are part of your image as well. Even your staff's image plays a role in this. Maybe it's time for new apparel. Does everyone have a fresh-looking name badge? But there's more...
The idea for this message came to me in seeing our new Weekly Department Review (WDR) as it is being moved to an online experience and expanded in a number of directions. While the WDR has certainly continued to improve each of the last 20+ years, what you will see and experience beginning in January will be a big leap forward. The past WDR has been a snapshot at any given week, but the new system will be a dynamic platform that you not only see the current snapshot but have a number of ways to filter and compare your Center to others, all over the entire year or any slice of time you determine. It certainly will be a new image for the WDR.
Asking about your logo also brings to mind the amazing new image design project Tom Kegley did for The Group a few years back titled, "Let Your Brand Rock!" The sample was America's Best Flowers and Tom guides you through his thoughts as he crafted a new look and showed how the new look and ideas could be utilized in so many areas of operations. Here's where it began with a before (left) and after (right) of Tom's logo work.
Tom presented ideas on how the colors in the logo could also be extended to different departments/categories throughout the Center. This included examples of signage as well as messaging a number of platforms. You can see his ideas for category colors below.
There's much more to Tom's sample presentation to give you a glimpse into what he does every day. You can see much more detail as well as an actual video with Tom walking you through the concepts, all in an effort to give you ideas as well as showcase what he could do for your Center.
Years Ahead of His Time
When we revisit what Tom did in this creative sample back in 2017, well prior to 2020 when so much changed for our Centers, the message and images he crafted are even better suited for today's use. The major theme he used was built around the "Joy" of gardening and plants (sounds like it was created just for 2023 doesn't it). Tom was (and always seems to be) ahead of his time.
With what Tom Kegley shares here and what you have at your fingertips from The Group experience over the last three years, there is so much you can now leverage in creating a wonderful fresh new image for your Center.
Be sure to challenge yourself to review your Center's image.. starting with your logo and moving into all aspects that your audience's experience with you. You can see Tom Kegley's presentation in The Group WebSystem. Login and go to the POWERtools page. Scroll down to the Tom Kegley Section and select "Let Your Center's Brand ROCK!"
It will be worth your time and it will certainly help you "Dust Off Your Image!"
And of course, there you will see Tom Kegley's full contact info and if you find your Center's image looks just like it did years ago, I encourage you to connect with him and discuss his help in crafting a fresh new image for your Center!
Tom Kegley is amazing and your new image will be too!
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!