What's Your SuperPower?
by Danny Summers
A SuperPower is a unique force or gift – something that you’re especially good at or something you are recognized for. Just like Superman (or woman), we all have our SuperPowers (or strengths).
Recognizing each person on your team's SuperPowers can help unify and build upon these strengths. This also can help spread those talents across the entire organization. You already know who is "Super" in certain areas. Recognizing these SuperPowers will encourage everyone to learn and grow.
I know many of you reading this message will be with us at The Fall Event 2022 next week. I also realize some of you cannot be with us. So, watch for more to be shared on this idea in the coming weeks.
The Fall Event brings us all together once a year to learn, share, exchange ideas, and collaborate. But it can be difficult to meet new people and develop relationships due to time constraints or simply awkwardness.
We all have SuperPowers that we should share ... and others have SuperPowers that we need to develop.
Each person you meet has a network of individuals they know, and it may be one of those people who will be a good match for you. By meeting individuals during the course of The Fall Event, you potentially “plug in” to people and the people they know, greatly extending your ability to make connections. This is what The Group is all about – Connecting and Sharing.
The same applies throughout the year in diving into Group activities such as our eList discussions, GROUPtalk-Live Sessions, and gatherings at other industry events.
Whether you will be with us next week at The Fall Event 2022 - or not, be thinking about the question...
What's Your SuperPower? And have your answer(s) ready!
For everyone heading to The Fall Event 2022, you will hear more about Your SuperPower. If you have any questions or need any help as you get ready to head to Kansas City, please give me a call, text, or email. We will be excited to see all of you and watch as this gathering of bright, creative, and motivated "GroupEs" come together!
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!