The Search for NEW and DIFFERENT - Parts 1 & 2
by Danny Summers
The Search for what's New and Different can be exciting. It brings with it a level of anticipation and intrigue. You never know what you will find and while most of the time the "finds" are of minor gains or impact, sometimes they are big gains. And in the plant world in which we live, new plants can create some of the most excitement for us.
This past week, many of us experienced Cultivate'22 along with thousands of other industry participants. This year, international participation was back strong and overall Cultivate'22 was extremely busy. We had a great group of Retailers who worked the show to nominate and vote on our Retailers' Choice Awards™ (a special Thank You to all of you who did).
The New Varieties at Cultivate'22 was huge. The long line you see here is only about 15% of the total. It's amazing and exciting!
The photos below represent eight of the fifteen products receiving the Retailers' Choice Awards™ at Cultivate'22.
We are still in the Search for What's New and Different mode this week. Last week here in GROUPtalk, I shared just some of the Retailers' Choice Awards™ at Cultivate'22. As you saw last week, there are some amazingly different plants or products shown here. One example is:
Ever seen a Colocasia that is hardy in Zone 5?
Here are the rest of the award winners along with GreenProfit's great video review:

We are excited the feature the Ball Publishing's GreenProfit video review of the awards by Chris Beytes here:
If you would like to receive more details on each plant or product, including contact info for the source, download the PDF HERE. We had a wonderful group of Retailers who worked the show to nominate and vote on our Retailers' Choice Awards™.
A special Thank You to all of you who did along with all of our wonderful Trade Press who has helped share the details, and especially Chris Beytes and the GreenProfit Video Team! Be sure to watch for other opportunities to participate at Farwest'22 and TPIE'23.
Thanks again,
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!