Bring Your Best
by Danny Sumnmers
At first glance at this title, you might think it could be encouraging you to "Bring Your Best" to work every day. Or it could be an over-arching goal for everything you do. And both should be a goal. But this title is directed toward all of the combined knowledge, experience, and perspectives we will have as we meet at The Fall Event 2022. If we visualize all of the people sitting in the opening session, many are seasoned Garden Retailers, some are new to their positions, and some are the very best suppliers we have in our industry. Then if you add all our team of Group Service Providers we have even more combined experience. But it's not just the most experienced people that add so much – it's also the newcomers to the business. The younger generation comes from other backgrounds and has new and fresh perspectives and ideas.
Garden Retailing is changing. You may remember I shared a message last August titled "The Train of Garden Retailing." In this message I wanted to illustrate how the world of Garden Retailing is changing like being on a moving train. Our potential audiences are changing, their lives, their wants, needs and expectations are evolving, especially the last few years. As all of this is changing it means no Garden Retailer can operate the same way it has in the past. This message pointed to the importance of being connected to others to maximize the opportunities (like being in The Group connected to 130+ peer Centers) during this evolving time. You are either on the train moving forward, or standing still, isolated as an island unto yourself. You can revisit "The Train of Garden Retailing" HERE.
The idea of Bring Your Best as we prepare for The Fall Event 2022 can be...
Bring Your Best – NEW IDEAS
What New Ideas have you implemented at your Center that have proven successful? Or what about New Ideas you may have that you have not yet implemented, but need to be explored?
Bring Your Best – NEW CONCEPTS
What totally new Concepts have you thought of but not implemented yet? These can be shared, explored, and further developed at The Fall Event 2022.
Bring Your Best – QUESTIONS
What Questions can you bring to this gathering of tremendous combined knowledge, experience, and perspectives? Are they Questions about your Center's operations, your community, your customer base, or your potential audience? Or could it be Questions on how best to position your Center for the future, future customers, future staff, or future management decisions?
Bring Your Best – CHALLENGES
What are your best (of biggest) Challenges or hurdles to growing your Center, your Staff, or your Customer base? What about Challenges you see in transitioning the business for long-term success? Are there Challenges on your list about products or services or even making your Center more efficient? This is certainly an area for turning Challenges into Opportunities.
In the June 13th GROUPtalk, the Quote of the Week was from President Harry S. Truman saying,
"A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties."
Sharing is at the heart of The Group, and all of us should "Bring Our Best" and be ready to share, explore, and help create new opportunities for everyone!
We hope to see you in Kansas City, September 19-22, 2022 where we'll be exploring Beyond the Boundaries of Garden Retailing. The Fall Event is all about sharing, learning, and growing. No matter how long you’ve been in retail or what position you hold in your company, there’s still something to learn. It's a Can't-Miss event! For program details, registration, and hotel information CLICK HERE. And watch for more program details of The Fall Event 2022 each week.
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!