How Will You Measure Up - The 2021 P&L Study is Coming!
by Danny Summers
You may have first seen this image last year as I shared some expectations of the Annual P&L Study from 2020 only a week away at the time. If you were there for the March GROUPtalk LIVE session when Steve Bailey and Tim Quebedeaux shared the results, you know the numbers from 2020 P&L Study were pretty incredible and set a new bar for our total Group as well as our Best Practices Centers.
Throughout the 2021 year, most all of us have wondered how the 2021 results would compare. The truth is it is very important for you to participate in the Annual P&L Study, both for your Center and all Group Centers as well. No matter how good your performance has been in 2021 unless you have the comparison to the Total Group, High Achievers, and Best Practices, you really won't know how you compare. You will receive a personalized report (PDF) providing the numbers you turned in along with percentages in comparison to The Group's percentages. No one (except Tim and Steve) know your numbers.
I want to share with you something Tim Quebedeaux told me about a week ago. This is one of the most compelling reasons why you should be sure to participate:
Tim said, "2021 P&L Study reports are rolling in! If you are on the fence about reporting, consider this... In 2020, those Centers that reported consistently over the last 6 years, showed 24% more profit than those who did not report consistently. That equates to almost 90K in additional bottom-line dollars…. Interested now? The deadline to participate is this week!"
Tim's statement doesn't mean if you report, your performance will automatically increase. But what it means is Centers that do report are more focused and are able to improve their performance over time. It's certainly work - but it's worth it!
And one more great reason to participate is... It's Included in Your Retainer! You've already paid for it!
Deadline is tomorrow, February 15th. If have any questions, need help or even need a couple extra days, please give Tim a call: 770-355-6249.
Mark Your Calender: March 10th, 11:00am Eastern - GROUPtalk LIVE Session
And we are announcing the next GROUPtalk LIVE Session - Thursday, March 10th, 11:00 am Eastern. Tim Quebedeaux and Steve Bailey will give us our first glimpse into the 2021 P&L Study results! Watch for signup details coming soon.
I will be excited to see the results on March 10th and look forward to seeing all Group Centers there!
How will your Center Measure Up?
Danny Summers
[email protected]
Tel: 678-909-7770
Cell: 678-761-7145
REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Tim Quebedeaux, Steve Bailey, Sid Raisch, John Kennedy, Jean Seawright, and of course Danny Summers are included in your retainer!