Group Blog Articles
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Approach Spring, and Every Season Positively

Approach Spring, and Every Season Positively

by Sid Raisch

This is timeless information to consider as every season approaches every year – especially Spring.

Spring Fever infects 100% of people, at least to the point they’ll take a walk or open a window to breathe real, fresh air. Fortunately, almost all of them also buy plants.  This is a GIFT, to be anticipated, appreciated, and taken seriously. Remember, it comes only once this year so it had better be a great one if you can make it so.

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Make it up on Volume!

Make it up on Volume!
(Theoretically, you can do almost anything, but certainly not this.)

by Sid Raisch

We were brainwashed.

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Time to Get Back to Work – Part 3

Time to Get Back to Work – Part 3

by Sid Raisch

[Rudbeckia shown is an AAS Winner for 2020: Rudbeckia x 'American Gold Rush' ]

This is a Challenge for 2020 to become Exceptionally Exceptional

Double GMROII of Perennials in 2020

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Time to Get Back to Work – Part 2

Time to Get Back to Work – Part 2

by Sid Raisch

It’s too late to do much to alter the outcome of the 2010’s.

“The time is ideal to create the outcome of the 2020’s.”

The decade is all but over, and there’s not much that can be done to end it any better than it is. The way we started on this journey back in 2010 didn’t inspire much hope beyond “recovery from the Great Recession”, and the “lucky” feeling of getting back to where we were seemed like all one could ask for.

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Time to Get Back to Work – Part 1

Time to Get Back to Work – Part 1

by Sid Raisch

You came, you saw, you heard at the Fall Event 2019, then you went back to doing pretty much the same thing so far, didn’t you?

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Blow It Up! on Average Transactions

Blow It Up! on Average Transactions

by Sid Raisch

You might remember my session on Blowing it Up! At Fall Event 17 in Houston. That was all about taking something you’re doing and making a bigger big deal of it so you maximize the benefit from your opportunity. The principle of Blow It Up! is to make whatever is working work better.

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Never-Ins, and Building a Better Business

Never-Ins, and Building a Better Business

by Sid Raisch

DANGER: Now that things are slowing down, you’ve got more time to do things you shouldn’t do in the first place. You don’t have time for that.

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Re-Order Now!

Re-Order Now!

by Sid Raisch

You’re too busy NOT to read this, but you’re too busy to read it too. I get it.

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Death by Marketing

Death by Marketing

By Sid Raisch

An Italian proverb reads, “He that deceives me once, it's his fault, but if twice, it’s my fault.” The question from this is, are you dangerously close to death by marketing?

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Raising Your Invisible Ceiling on Growth

Raising Your Invisible Ceiling on Growth

by Sid Raisch

Do you have a plan to break through your Invisible Ceiling this Spring?

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by Sid Raisch

This is perfect timing as you prepare for spring and set your pricing strategies. 

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What Happens If We Don’t?

What Happens If We Don’t?

by Sid Raisch

It’s time to get some things done, don’t you think?

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YES! You can leverage the Network

YES! You can Leverage the Network

by Sid Raisch

Undeniably, the best part of The Group is YOU, when connected with other members. At Fall Event 2018 I shared with the group a presentation on connecting with each other at a deeper level in order to achieve the full benefit of this best part of The Group. Please read the rest of this, then review the presentation slides at the link provided below, before acting on the ideas I’m asking you to implement today and tomorrow.

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Death by (under or over) Pricing

After Cash Euphoria - Death by (under or over) Pricing

Pricing incorrectly is the most frequent disabling (if not fatal) error in horticulture.

I’m saying this without the support of statistical evidence to support the claim. As you know, statistical evidence can be unreliable and where pricing is concerned this is no less true. You probably learned in about fifth grade that great success can come from lower the price so you can make it up on volume. Or maybe you’re an admirer of high priced luxury goods and imagine that those businesses are making money hand over fist?

I come to you bearing the wisdom and insight that comes from extensive experience helping many companies work on the business side of the business. I’ve read the books on pricing, attended seminars, symposiums and workshops that are dedicated solely to the subject of the art and science of pricing. It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true.

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Value Up! Eliminating Value Confusion - Part 2

Value Up! Eliminating Value Confusion – (Part 2)

By Sid Raisch

In the first part of this article we discussed why the word “value” is easily misunderstood, and how this misunderstanding confuses our people. CLICK HERE to read it.

Now that we've cleared up the definition of value, let's use the word in its highest value. The best way to do this will be to get clear on the levels of value.

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Eliminating Value Confusion

Eliminating Value Confusion

By Sid Raisch

We need to clear up some confusion over the word “value”.

We Americans are a confused lot. Our language does this to us. Some other languages have one meaning per word. We have many.

Dual meanings are confusing. I have learned that it is a sign of intelligence when toddler’s pickup dual meanings of words. Understanding of multiple definitions of a word is also a sign of intelligence among adults. So let’s understand the simple word “value”, in all its wonder, and amazing complexity, beginning with the textbook definition.

I have no idea where the dictionary is, so we’ll Google. Maybe the definition of value has changed with the Internet? Right from the beginning, the cause of confusion is evident. Value is both a Noun, with two definitions, and a Verb with two additional definitions.

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Death by Inventory

Death by Inventory

by Sid Raisch

Inventory is the bane of a retailer’s existence.
I bet you’re wondering what the word bane means now that it has been connected directly to you.
(The source or cause of misfortune, unhappiness, frustration, or anxiety, usually used hyperbolically. – The Free Dictionary)

Inventory is a Necessary Evil
Gaining a clear perspective on inventory is the first step to taming the monster. Inventory is inherently evil in that without tightly defined and rigorous management and manipulation it always becomes a problem.

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The Retailer of the Future

The Retailer of the Future will likely be a Retailer of the Past — just the most efficient version therein.

by Sid Raisch

As you know, there is a lot of noise in the media these days. It’s nothing new really. There’s always been a lot of noise. But it is noisier when it directly affects you. I’m talking about business noise, I mean news, in this instance.

There is a considerable amount of business news about happenings with retail chains, possibly because it is the most visible business segment, and at the top of the supply chain of other segments such as manufacturing of the things sold at retail.

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Denial is Under-Rated?

Denial is Under-Rated?

by Sid Raisch

She actually said this? I could hardly believe my ears, and had to ask, “would you please repeat what you just said?”

She said it again, “Yes - denial is under-rated as a coping mechanism.” Having just met her for the first time, I was both aghast, and willing to give her the benefit of doubt. Maybe she had it backward in her mind? Sadly, the further the conversation went, the clearer it was that she actually believed herself – that denial is a good coping mechanism. But of course, she’s dead wrong.

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White Oak Gardens – Grand Re-Opening

White Oak Gardens – Grand Re-Opening

by Sid Raisch

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