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What Recession?

What Recession?

by Sid Raisch

“It’s the ECONOMY!”

Once in a while there’s a phrase that’s quoted and wins an election as this one did. Similarly we are running for election by our customers and other constituents (all the people in our audience) to support if not come into our store every day they go to a store, or could (including online store).

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Planning for 2022

Planning for 2022

by Danny Summers

We know it has already begun. You've already started some of your planning for the next spring season. I know you have questions about what to expect and what you will need to prepare for as you do all of your planning. How do you budget for 2022? As a total Group, we ended 2020 in the mid +20% range ahead of 2019 sales, and it appears 2021 may be slightly into double-digit growth on top of that. But what lies ahead in 2022?

Just like the image above, your crystal ball may not be very clear. At the same time, both Steve Bailey and Tim Quebedeaux have been expressing some concerns about inventory levels as we near the end of the selling season. Will you carry over more products than you should? The answer to that may be in Steve Bailey's message in the Week 37 WDR cover page... do you need to re-read that?

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Rooms and Runs - Alignment 3.0

Rooms and Runs – Alignment 3.0

By John Kennedy

As we continue the theme of Alignment in 2021, here are a few more thoughts I would like to add to the discussion in the month of May.

Let’s consider the big three pillars of any retail shop—average transaction, number of transactions, and customer experience rating. Studies show that there is a direct correlation (read alignment) from the customer satisfaction metrics and the average transaction metrics.

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Category Growth Strategies: Moving Toward Improvement-Part 4

Category Growth Strategies: Moving Toward Improvement

By Steve Bailey and Bill Calkins

The following is the Part 4 of the series... Category Growth Strategies: Moving Toward Improvement. This was originally published in the June edition of greenPROFIT magazine and can be seen HERE. If you missed the Part 1, you can see it HERE, Part 2 - HERE, or Part 3 - HERE.

Earlier this year, Ball Publishing's Bill Calkins approached Steve Bailey about co-writing a series of articles that could lead garden centers through the basics of analyzing category performance and some of the measurements developed for The Garden Center Group Clients through the Annual P&L Study. The result is a series of four articles published in Ball's GreenPROFIT magazine in this spring.

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It’s A New Financial Landscape

It’s A New Financial Landscape

by Steve Bailey

As the COVID-19 event unfolds, we are seeing garden centers closing down temporarily or reducing hours. Either one of these actions reduce Revenues and the ability to fulfill your Center’s financial obligations.

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The WDR and the NEW Changes for 2020

The WDR and the NEW Changes for 2020

by Tim Quebedeaux

A few years ago, when I was introduced to the Weekly Department Review as a Garden Center General. Manager, I was in awe.  There was so much data that I could use to analyze and improve how we were operating the Centers that I managed. 

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Time to Get Back to Work – Part 3

Time to Get Back to Work – Part 3

by Sid Raisch

[Rudbeckia shown is an AAS Winner for 2020: Rudbeckia x 'American Gold Rush' ]

This is a Challenge for 2020 to become Exceptionally Exceptional

Double GMROII of Perennials in 2020

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Time to Get Back to Work – Part 1

Time to Get Back to Work – Part 1

by Sid Raisch

You came, you saw, you heard at the Fall Event 2019, then you went back to doing pretty much the same thing so far, didn’t you?

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Let’s Play A Game

 Let’s Play A Game

by Robert Hendrickson

(The following is a transcribed version of the PowerPoint slides Robert presented at The Fall Event 2019 during his Cheekwood Challenge.) Following The Fall Event 2019 and Robert's Cheekwood Challenge, several Group Owners have shared their experience in working toward a more balanced approach to their marketing efforts. Be sure to see Group Clients Weigh-In at the bottom of this blog post for more. Joey Bokar - Kerby's Nursery, JD Boone - Dothan Nurseries, Cameron Rees - Skinner Garden Store, and Liz Lark-Riley - Rockledge Gardens.

Before The Fall Event 2019, Danny mentioned having an open mic session to address the peaks and valleys garden centers face. I told him I had an idea that might help explain why this happens.

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Profit - It’s All About Change

Profit - It’s All About Change

by Steve Bailey

The Group's Annual P&L Study for 2018 resulted in the highest number of awards ever presented. During The Fall Event, awards were given for both the High Achievers and Best Practices Centers for profitability. The photo below are those centers who were present and received the High Achiever Awards for 2018.

All of you joined The Garden Center Group for a reason. Maybe it was for the camaraderie of networking with peers, possibly to work more closely with Service Providers within The Group, to access the financial tools such as the Weekly Department Review and P&L Study, or any of the other numerous reasons there are to be a part. Most likely the underlying reason was you needed Change and all of the above enables you to enact it.

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Revenues, Profit, and Bubbles

Revenues, Profit, and Bubbles

by Steve Bailey

As I recall, I was sitting on a plane in 2005 when I first saw it. If a light bulb has ever gone off for me, it was in that moment. My seatmate looked at me in a funny sort of way since he couldn’t understand my excitement while reading a USA Today.

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A Tale of Two Sears and "A Road Not Taken"

A Tale of Two Sears and "A Road Not Taken"

by Danny Summers


This past week in the WDR, Steve Bailey spotlighted recent announcements by Sears Holdings they will shrink and streamline their produce offering in the coming months as they try to reorganize AGAIN. Steve's parallel here was a challenge to Group Centers to be vigilant about the products you are offering. He has recently told me he often sees centers getting lazy on controlling inventory (and turns) when sales are strong and times are good and therefore not maximizing their profitability.

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The Forecast – Outlook for the Spring Season

The Forecast – Outlook for the Spring Season

featuring Dr. Charlie Hall and Dr. Marco Palma, Texas A&M, College Station, TX

The SNA Conference was held January 7-8, 2019 in Baltimore, in conjunction with MANTS. Dr. Charlie Hall, the nation's foremost green industry economist, teamed up with Dr. Marco Palma to provide insight on the outlook for the spring season.The following is the recorded presentation. Whether you were there for the event or not, this is an important 29 minutes for you and your management team to see again!

Should you hold back, stand status quo, or see this time of uncertainty as a time of opportunity? What impact will housing trends have on the economy? How will Generation X impact the market as the Baby Boomers are retiring? What will the 2019 spring season look like and how will it impact your business? Structural changes in the industry will also be discussed, along with strategic implication for growers, service providers, and retailers.

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