Grow Your People
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A Few Words Could Change Everything

A Few Words Could Change Everything

by Robert Hendrickson

You wouldn’t be reading this if it wasn’t for Ursula. There wouldn’t be a GROUPtalk, The Garden Center Group or my decades adventure in the garden center industry if Ursula hadn’t hired me to work at H.E. Nursery on a spring day in 1974.

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January Word of the Month: Visualization

January Word of the Month: Visualization

by John Kennedy


Happy New Year...The perfect year to kick off the concept of visualization with 2020 Vision. In the following short video you will learn the value of Sensory Integration – The ability to blend multiple senses together to create a higher chance of success in goal setting and strategic planning. Key take away—“Write it Down”.

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The Benefit of Community to Grow Your Business-Part 1

The Benefit of Community to Grow Your Business - Part 1

by Danny Summers

COMMUNITY: The idea for this message has been developing in my mind over recent months. As I have talked with Retailers, both inside and outside The Group some observations have come together to support these ideas. I will share these observations in several segments in the coming weeks. Here's Part 1.

Earlier this year I received a call from a veteran garden retailer whom I have known and respected for a number of years. During the conversation, he talked about all the opportunities he had through the many years to meet and interact with fellow retailers at industry events and develop life-long relationships that have helped him be successful. He added that many of those events were no longer in existence today. He went on to tell me one of his sons was coming back into the business and he expressed his concern about how his son would develop business relationships, like he did. He went on to say he sees The Group as one of the very best opportunities today to network with fellow garden retailers, share great level of details, and build connections and relationships that could help his son to be successful.

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September Word of the Month - Drive

September Word of the Month is “Drive!”

by John Kennedy


It’s time to look through your windshield of the future and not the rearview mirror of the past.

This month we focus on your business as an automobile and learn to shift out of neutral, park or reverse and LeaderSHIFT into DRIVE. I’ve been  really centering my clients on the intention of strategic planning and focusing on the future this year…this is the perfect time to invest in tomorrow and beyond!


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July Word of the Month - MOTIVATE!

The July “Word of the Month” is MOTIVATE!

by John Kennedy

 What motivates you and what are you going to do about it? 

As the month of July heats up, so too should your willingness to circle back and reinvest in yourself. We are past the midpoint of the year, and it would be wise to give yourself a “check up from the neck up” and reward yourself.  Our jobs in leadership are plentiful, and the selfless way we commit to motivating others should become a selfish way to motivate yourself.

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June Word of the Month - GROW!

June Word of the Month - GROW!

By John Kennedy


Welcome to the month of June where the word of the month is GROW! In every aspect of our lives, there are so many things we need to focus on to grow. In fact, I think there are actually too many things to focus on, which in turn, becomes somewhat overwhelming.

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Developing Your Most Valuable Asset

Developing Your Most Value Asset

by Danny Summers

As a Garden Center Owner or Manager, I challenge you with this question: What is your business' most valuable asset?

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Time Kills All Deals

Time Kills All Deals

By John Kennedy


As the Fall Event approaches and we drive the theme of “Time”, I thought this month would be great to highlight a few hints, tips and strategies to make the best of your time…as well as the time of your customers (even more valuable!).  Invest your time wisely but make sure not to waste your customer’s time in doing so.

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Welcome to the ReFresh Calendar

Welcome to the ReFresh Calendar

by John Kennedy

The month of April is dedicated to the importance and impact of consistency.  From driving the customer experience to the art and science of plant health, ensure that your team sets standards to drive consistency in every aspect of the month.

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John Kennedy is Now Available On Demand 24-7-365

John Kennedy is Now Available "On-Demand" 24/7/365

by Danny Summers

I have an important announcement!


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Every Strategy Matters

Every Strategy Matters

by John Kennedy

As we near the end of the magic “100 days of Spring”  in our garden center industry, the three short months of “driving dough”, or as the Stones kinda sang “I see a red ledger and I want to paint it black”, it’s a good time to sharpen your strategic tools and deliver every revenue-generating opportunity you possibly can.  

When 60-70% of your revenue is generated in such an abbreviated amount of time, every activity, every step, every touch, every strategy matters.


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