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A Hefty Dose of Reality

A Hefty Dose of Reality

by Robert Hendrickson

One of the coolest outcomes of my career is meeting some of the smartest people on the planet. While the list continues to grow as a result of knowing someone who knows someone who introduces me to the next big brain person I meet, David Wolfe remains the one person that impresses me most with his knowledge and insight, especially when it comes to marketing. David sent me what I consider to be one of the top three business books ever written, Ageless Marketing (it so happens David’s other book Firms of Endearment is also one of my top three.) After reading his two books my approach to marketing has remained forever unwavering.

Over the last several years David and I worked together several times, at The Group’s 2007 Fall Event then at other workshop sessions where I invited him to speak. David died of cancer this past February. His perspective and straight forward approach to marketing and consumer insight will be sorely missed.

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Native Plant Disconnect

Native Plant Disconnect - let us hear from you!

by Robert Hendrickson

[a continued discussion from week of 6/19 on the GroupEs Listserve]

GroupE’s, Timely topic. The issue of natives/pollinators.

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Let The Battle Begin

Let The Battle Begin

by Robert Hendrickson

I knew exactly what to expect. In fact I could have scripted the entire meeting word for word before we started. I've been asked numerous times by garden center owners to play good cop/bad cop with them and their ad agency. No surprise which cop I play. Even after garden center owners finally realize they've been wasting money, losing momentum and being misled by their ad agency representatives, they still want someone else to do the dirty work. Telling an agency they're no longer needed isn't that difficult. I've done it dozens of times. You send a letter to the CEO and simply say their services are no longer required. But for some reason these same garden center owners feel obligated to schedule a face to face meeting with the agency to share the bad news.

Big mistake.

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The Question Remains... Why?

"The Question Remains... Why?"

by Robert Hendrickson

My previous article outlined the results of a survey asking people who garden to provide me with their reasons why they garden. Over 2500 replies were then consolidated into thirty key categories based on words people used in the surveys. The purpose was to identify customer-centric values that would become the basis of a marketing campaign.

Retail Rules of the Road:

"It doesn't matter what it is, what it does or how much it costs until you explain why it should matter to the customer."

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Ask And Ye Shall Receive

"Ask And Ye Shall Receive"

by Robert Hendrickson

After a few decades working with garden center owners on their marketing plans, I've found people usually fall into one of two camps. The majority seem to believe "targeting", "taking aim", "a rifle, not a shotgun approach" (like their intended customers are some sort of prey that need to be brought down) is the best and most logical approach when it comes to marketing their company.

A much smaller faction have the confidence to believe that when it comes to effective marketing, "what" you say is far more important than "who" you might be reaching.

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Stay Focused

Stay Focused

by Robert Hendrickson

The industry organization was so confident in their presumptions, that months before their survey project was complete they had already stated... "The results of this initiative will demand a shift in strategies, thinking, and paradigms. This is the future of the horticulture industry."  (Note: I've learned never to trust anyone who uses the word paradigm when discussing business or marketing and especially never trust anyone who believes they can predict the future.)  Besides, any first year 'Stats' student would see right through this charade. When those in charge of research have an agenda to find results that support their beliefs, any survey can be structured to guarantee those results.

I also question the value of asking people who don't garden or shop garden centers for their opinion on what garden centers should do to prepare for the future. Sorta like asking a vegan what Outback should do to help them sell more steaks.

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Bribe, Rebate, Reward or Gift? There Is A Difference.

Regardless of our personal views, society seems to function best when a few governing laws are in place. Like a series of scientific laws dealing with gravity, motion and relativity that help keep us Earthlings grounded when it comes to everyday life.

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Wanna Play Ball?

So, you wanna play ball...
or at least watch guys that do play ball? Wendy and I are heading to The Fall Event on the Saturday (September 24th)  before things really get started. Since there's a home-game in Houston, I'm thinking about heading out to the ballpark on Sunday afternoon (September 25th) to catch a game and catch up with Group folks in a setting a bit different from the typical garden center environment. Often the best ideas come when you let loose and immerse yourself in unfamiliar territory. 

For you "too busy working to enjoy life types," think of the ballpark as a really big garden center. We can discuss traffic flow, staff skills, signage, branding or any other shopping trait we discover. After all, retail is retail.

What do you say? Game for a game? Let me know if this sounds like something you and the folks you bring would like to experience. Tell me you're in and I'll get the tickets so we can sit together... nothing expensive... just seats in the park someplace fun. 
Let me know by August 8th so there's time to plan the process.

The Fall Event is about more than just the business side of business... it's about the people side of things, too. Kick back... have some fun... eat... drink... be merry. Make your trip to Houston one that touches every aspect of business. And life.

So, you ready to play ball?
Give Robert a call or email ... this week!

Robert Hendrickson
Tel: (410) 313-8067
Cell: (443) 255-8282

Tell Me a Story - Part 2

Tell Me a Story - Part 2

by Robert Hendrickson

[Continued from Part 1. If you want to return to Part 1, CLICK HERE]

My last article ended with my belief that the future of the garden center industry depends on  these eight words... 
"Our future is in the stories we tell." But why stories and why stories now?

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Tell Me A Story - Part 1

Tell Me A Story - Part 1

by Robert Hendrickson

To understand the message in this article I need you to stop reading and watch Johnnie Walker "The Man Who Walked Around The World. This is a Watch the six minute video then come back and continue reading what I'm about to say. Ok? Good.

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Here's The Simple Truth...

Here's The Simple Truth...

  that I know a lot of people will have a difficult time accepting. Many will think it's way too simple and even more will think it just can't be the truth.

I know the reasons why...

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Mail On!

Mail On!

by Robert Hendrickson

 I understand why people find it difficult to respect something called "junk mail" and "snail mail". Not the most reassuring titles when it comes to spending hard-earned marketing money. There's also the problem of people considering "old-fashioned" direct mail obsolete compared to the current 'all-things-digital' marketing mindset of most advertisers. But I've always approached marketing decisions based on what works, not what's currently fashionable.

And when done properly, direct mail works.

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There was a time

There Was A Time...

when watching the Super Bowl was something I looked forward to for weeks. Not for the game but to see what millions of dollars of ad money would buy. And there were years when the work was amazing. Even the off years provided a glimpse into the world of budget-be-damned marketing.

But the last few years have been more of an embarrassment than inspiration. This year was no exception.

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PROsession Notes - ENewsletters - Robert Hendrickson

PROsession Notes - Enewsletters

by Robert Hendrickson


On Monday during The Fall Event, Group Clients were invited to join our Service Providers during the PROsessions and bring their own challenges and collaborate on creating new approaches (opportunities). Robert took notes from his session where 8 areas were challenged and he gave his advice .

(see bolded italicized text). Here's the eight areas discussed:

1. What is the responsibility between consultant and retailer regarding property design?

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POWERsession Notes - Finding New & Keeping Customers

POWERsession Notes - 'Finding New & Keeping Customers"

by Robert Hendrickson

On Wednesday during The Fall Event, Group Clients voted on open session topics when they would join our Service Providers for what we called POWERSessions. Robert took notes from his session, "Finding New & Keeping Customers"  where 8 areas were shared, discussed and refined. Here's the eight areas of discussion:  (This is GREAT STUFF!)


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