Karen Summers
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Tea & the Garden

Tea & the Garden 

by Danny Summers

Just the idea of a simmering hot cup of Tea... in The Garden creates an ideal vision for how to begin the day. Maybe we should pause here for 15-20 minutes, grab a cup of Tea (or coffee), and step out to the Garden (or the most peaceful area of the Garden Center will do). Use the time to relax, breathe deeply, perhaps pray, and think about all the wonderful natural world around us. Then, return to this message when finished...

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Magnetic Personnel-ity

Magnetic Personnel-ity

by Sid Raisch

Finding people is one thing, finding people who CAN actually do the job we need them for, and who actually WILL do the job is quite another. People fitting these two criteria don’t often walk in the door asking to fill out an application, outside of the dwindling luck we may have had in the past, or hope to have now.

It’s not good people vs. bad people, as in, you have to go to the county jail on Monday morning to bail them out and bring them to work. It’s about good people as in developing a workforce of effective and productive people. We can’t passively wait for another person who can pass a drug test and background check to walk in asking to fill out an application. And we can’t spend enough money on Internet ads, job boards, apps, and so on to hire people with any confidence they’ll be right or will show up, or stay long. Innovatively attracting the right candidates who match up with our ability to develop them into fully functioning, long-lasting associates is the relevant objective today.

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The Fall Event 2018 TableTalks




The Fall Event 2018 TableTalks


You've told us that some of the most meaningful and productive experiences at The Fall Event are a result of the time you spend getting to know and learning from your peers. So at The Fall Event 2018 we introduced a new format with each session beginning with a speaker presentation, followed by peer-to-peer (P2P) TableTalks and concluding with discussion and Q&A with the speaker. We also had a bulletin board to post Topics of Interest to determine topics for TableTalks during lunch on Tuesday. This resulted in some very interesting topics and dialog. Below you will find a list of the topics and a summary of the discussions.

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