Danny Summers
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YES! You can leverage the Network

YES! You can Leverage the Network

by Sid Raisch

Undeniably, the best part of The Group is YOU, when connected with other members. At Fall Event 2018 I shared with the group a presentation on connecting with each other at a deeper level in order to achieve the full benefit of this best part of The Group. Please read the rest of this, then review the presentation slides at the link provided below, before acting on the ideas I’m asking you to implement today and tomorrow.

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Making the Emotional Connection

Making the "Emotional Connection"

by Danny Summers

Robert Hendrickson has pushed The Group for years now on some of the very best ways to tell your story and build that unique, emotional connection with the customer. This is the extreme opposite of selling by price and certainly much more effective than selling by the old standard of "feature and benefit" marketing.

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Selling to Different Tribes

Selling to Different "Tribes"

by Bill Calkins, Ball Seed

[Danny] During The Fall Event 2018, Bill Calkins of Ball Seed shared a link to a podcast/blog he is producing. He said, "I have a new podcast called STEM: Insider Tips for Greenhouse Pros that covers greenhouse Production but it also has plenty of RETAIL TOPICS." He has produced a number of STEM podcasts this year and this one is an excellent message to our Group Centers! Here's a text from this edition of STEM podcast:

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Cold as ICE!

Cold as ICE!

by Jean Seawright

IMPORTANT: Don't miss the next GROUPtalk-Live session on this subject. Details are below!

At the federal level, things have been relatively quiet on the regulatory front with the exception of one agency, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Affectionately known as ICE, this federal agency has an annual budget of approximately $6 billion and employs more than 20,000 employees in over 400 offices in the United Stated and 46 foreign countries. ICE's mission is to "protect America from the cross-border crime and illegal immigration that threaten national security and public safety."

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Overtime Rule Update

Overtime Rule Update

by Jean Seawright

It's been over one year since the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) solicited written comments from the public about potential changes to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) White Collar overtime exemptions for administrative, executive, and professional workers. One year and no action . . . until this month that is.

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Employee Handbook Relief

Employee Handbook Relief

by Jean Seawright

Employers are finally getting a reprieve after a series of restrictive employee handbook policy decisions and guidances issued by the prior Administration's democratic majority of the five-member National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

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Well Isnt This a Twist in Everybodys Knickers!

Well Isn’t This a Twist in Everybody’s Knickers!

by Robert Hendrickson

While many in the garden center industry seem hellbent on rushing into a business model where they’re unfamiliar, unprepared and undercapitalized to actually create something worth the distraction, Amazon just announced they’re planning on opening 3000 brick and mortar AmazonGo stores to go along with their Whole Foods and bookstore locations. (See the announcement here)

I had just two bosses before venturing into consulting. Both were strong-willed, demanding owners who allowed me to do almost anything in order to grow sales and profits… as long as it worked. I helped the Maryland owner create one of the industry’s top garden centers at the time by constantly being reminded what was required to succeed. 

“Business is really quite simple,”he would say… over and over and over.

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#TheFallEvent2018 - Garden Answer's Laura and Aaron present...

"YES YOU CAN Reach Your Customers through Social Media!"

Laura and her husband, Aaron, started Garden Answer, a YouTube how-to gardening channel filled with style, expertise and helpful gardening knowledge, in 2014. Today, they attract over 300,000 YouTube channel subscribers and have generated over 25 million views of their YouTube gardening videos. Garden Answer has 2.2 million followers and over 450 million video views. Garden Answer has become quite a sensation in just a short  time, and the numbers are continually growing!

Their tremendous popularity has prompted industry brands like Proven Winners, Espoma, Gardener's Supply, and others, to partner with Garden Answer to reach consumers.

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New John Kennedy - On Demand Video Series

New John Kennedy - On Demand Video Series

The Customer Experience added to LeaderShift and TeamShift Series

NOTE: A Special Offer for Group Clients Only - DEADLINE September 30, 2018

Greetings to all Clients of the Garden Center Group.

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There's Gold In Them 'Thar Hills

There’s Gold In Them ‘Thar Hills

The Group's Special Mid-Year 2018 Weekly Department Review
by Steve Bailey

Go ahead, admit it, the title including ‘gold’ sucked you right in, didn’t it? Maybe the thought of a gold expedition at The Fall Event (gold is indeed mined a couple of hours west of Salt Lake City) or some other promise of riches pulled you into reading this article.

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The Secret To Living A Happy Retirement

The Secret To Living A Happy Retirement

by Wes Moss (a preview to The Fall Event 2018)

We all want to be happy. Why wouldn’t we? Happiness is a wonderful feeling of well-being and contentment. Over the courses of our lives, we set our sights on happiness. As Abraham Lincoln said, “Folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

As a Certified Financial Planner, I help people recognize and work towards achieving their financial goals. I help them with allocating their investments, charting their retirement income streams, and I teach them about the various ins-and-outs of financial planning. I love it. This is the nuts-and-bolts stuff we should all think about when trying to accomplish our financial goals.

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Death by (under or over) Pricing

After Cash Euphoria - Death by (under or over) Pricing

Pricing incorrectly is the most frequent disabling (if not fatal) error in horticulture.

I’m saying this without the support of statistical evidence to support the claim. As you know, statistical evidence can be unreliable and where pricing is concerned this is no less true. You probably learned in about fifth grade that great success can come from lower the price so you can make it up on volume. Or maybe you’re an admirer of high priced luxury goods and imagine that those businesses are making money hand over fist?

I come to you bearing the wisdom and insight that comes from extensive experience helping many companies work on the business side of the business. I’ve read the books on pricing, attended seminars, symposiums and workshops that are dedicated solely to the subject of the art and science of pricing. It ain’t braggin’ if it’s true.

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HRI's New Wertheim, van der Ploeg & Klemeyer Fund

HRI's New Wertheim, van der Ploeg & Klemeyer Fund

by Danny Summers

There will be a new named fund announced on Saturday, July 14th, during the Annual HRI Reception, held in conjunction with Cultivate'18. This one will honor someone who has been very close to many of you and very supportive of The Garden Center Group - Ernest Wertheim. Several of our Group have served on the HRI boards and committees. Currently, Steve Mostardi is on the HRI Executive Committee. The fund will honor both Ernest and his long-time partner Jack Klemeyer. HRI has received initial seed monies, reportedly close to $20,000 currently, in order to establish the fund and make the official announcement. The fund will be called the Wertheim, van der Ploeg & Klemeyer Fund and will support general HRI Research efforts. HRI's Administrator, Jennifer Gray, shared the following with us:

"We are excited about the establishment of this fund to honor both Ernest and Jack. We have several ways to give:

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Reeling in the Non-Gardeners

Reeling in the Non-Gardeners

An excerpt from Ball Publishing's GreenProfit
(With comments by Danny Summers)

This past week GreenProfit published an article as titled above. They posed the question: "How can you attract non-gardeners as new customers" to the three finalists in the 2018 Green Profit/Dümmen Orange Young Retailer Award competition, sponsored by Dümmen Orange and AmericanHort!

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Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - Group Learning at its best!

The Fall Event 2018
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - Group Learning at its best!

by Danny Summers

We have the schedule set, speakers and sessions are in place, our hotel is ready for your reservations, and we have our registration now open and ready for you!

New for 2018: We have taken what we learned the last several years about Group peer-sharing and combined it with each presentation. We are calling it Peer-to-Peer (P2P). Each major session will follow this pattern. First the featured speaker will share his or her presentation. Then, we will have P2P Tabletalks on the subject, followed with the best ideas of P2P as well as Q&A with the speaker for collaboration and inspiration.

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What is a Customer Worth?

What is a Customer Worth?

by Danny Summers

Several weeks ago you may remember I asked these questions:

  1. What is a Customer Worth to You (over a lifetime)?
  2. What is the cost to obtain a new customer (in dollars)?

The reason I asked was because I was reading comments from owners or managers who were having issues with seemingly unreasonable customers and it sounded like they were ready to say "Good Bye" to the customer(s). Before you ever get to the point of "firing a customer," I believe you need to have at least an idea of your answers to the above two questions. I understand sometimes you just can't please everyone and the answers to these questions can vary greatly, but this is a fundamental idea.

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Well thats weird

Well that’s weird…

by Robert Hendrickson

or SUCCE$$FUL? Van Wilgen’s just recorded their biggest day ever, a $168,000 Saturday followed by a $150,000 Sunday. Other than being one of the coolest garden centers around, I wonder what kind of marketing is required to attract that many shoppers. Let’s see…

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Preview - The Fall Event 2018 Yes You Can! - Retire Earlier Then You Think!

Preview - The Fall Event 2018

Yes You Can! - Retire Sooner Then You Think!

by Wes Moss


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Decision to Change Your Business Name

When is it Time to Change Your Business Name?

by Danny Summers


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Building an Ad - Creating a Story

Building an Ad - Creating a Story

by Robert Hendrickson

One of many resources included in The Group's WebSystem is the fundamental principle Robert Hendrickson developed on how to create your messaging to your audience to build a lasting relationship. One that is not built around "PRICE" but around a connection. This is the most important time for all of our centers, the coming weeks. It is a great time to revisit these basic principles... [Danny Summers]


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