Danny Summers
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August Word of the Month - Engagement

August Word of the Month - Engagement

A Double Shot of Engagement
by John Kennedy


As the “ReFresh” video described the importance of engaging your customers in understanding their needs and expectations, this article addresses a similar approach for your company and your team of committed and dedicated employees.

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Blow It Up! on Average Transactions

Blow It Up! on Average Transactions

by Sid Raisch

You might remember my session on Blowing it Up! At Fall Event 17 in Houston. That was all about taking something you’re doing and making a bigger big deal of it so you maximize the benefit from your opportunity. The principle of Blow It Up! is to make whatever is working work better.

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Revenues, Profit, and Bubbles

Revenues, Profit, and Bubbles

by Steve Bailey

As I recall, I was sitting on a plane in 2005 when I first saw it. If a light bulb has ever gone off for me, it was in that moment. My seatmate looked at me in a funny sort of way since he couldn’t understand my excitement while reading a USA Today.

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Peaks & Valleys

Peaks and Valleys

by Danny Summers

Twelve Weeks
The majority of a garden center's income happens in a 12-week period in spring. Exactly when the 12 weeks begin fluctuates of course, dependent upon location (climate zone) and seasonal weather breaks. The balance of the year the center is trying to hang onto the profit dollars by working on building income and keeping costs as low as possible.

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July Word of the Month - MOTIVATE!

The July “Word of the Month” is MOTIVATE!

by John Kennedy

 What motivates you and what are you going to do about it? 

As the month of July heats up, so too should your willingness to circle back and reinvest in yourself. We are past the midpoint of the year, and it would be wise to give yourself a “check up from the neck up” and reward yourself.  Our jobs in leadership are plentiful, and the selfless way we commit to motivating others should become a selfish way to motivate yourself.

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What's Your Image?

What's Your Image?

by Danny Summers

I am writing this at or near the end of the spring season and certainly there is a place for specials and clearance sales at this time, but that is not what I am thinking about here. Instead, it is a general question.

Throughout the year, what is your center's image to your audience?

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Never-Ins, and Building a Better Business

Never-Ins, and Building a Better Business

by Sid Raisch

DANGER: Now that things are slowing down, you’ve got more time to do things you shouldn’t do in the first place. You don’t have time for that.

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How Important is Consistency?

How Important is Consistency?

by Danny Summers


con·​sis·​ten·​cy |  \ kən-ˈsi-stən(t)-sē

definition: an agreement or harmony of parts, features or service to one another or a whole

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June Word of the Month - GROW!

June Word of the Month - GROW!

By John Kennedy


Welcome to the month of June where the word of the month is GROW! In every aspect of our lives, there are so many things we need to focus on to grow. In fact, I think there are actually too many things to focus on, which in turn, becomes somewhat overwhelming.

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Finding Your Balance

Finding Your Balance

by Danny Summers

Let's face it. Spring is a marathon and you and your entire staff are exhausted near the end. It's Week 23 and the energy level is waning. I thought this would be a good time to make suggestion. How can you and your team find your balance in the next few weeks?

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The Art of Effective Recruiting

The Art of Effective Recruiting

by Jean Seawright

Here's a frightening thought:  It's all up to you! 

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Developing Your Most Valuable Asset

Developing Your Most Value Asset

by Danny Summers

As a Garden Center Owner or Manager, I challenge you with this question: What is your business' most valuable asset?

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Building Our Team!

Building Our Team!

by Steve Bailey

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was in March 2001. I was trimming the boxwood in front of our house. Bonnie and I had just sold our garden center the month before, and I was still considering my options for employment over the next fifteen to twenty years. That’s when Bonnie came to the front door and said, “Robert is on the phone and wants to talk with you”.

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Time Kills All Deals

Time Kills All Deals

By John Kennedy


As the Fall Event approaches and we drive the theme of “Time”, I thought this month would be great to highlight a few hints, tips and strategies to make the best of your time…as well as the time of your customers (even more valuable!).  Invest your time wisely but make sure not to waste your customer’s time in doing so.

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Re-Order Now!

Re-Order Now!

by Sid Raisch

You’re too busy NOT to read this, but you’re too busy to read it too. I get it.

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It's Time!

It's Time!

by Danny Summers

Time is Very Important! We begin with the same amount of it every day. What we do with it can make a world of difference. At the same time, I hear from many of you time management is increasingly more difficult (and more important).

This is why we have decided "It's Time" will be our over-aching theme for The Fall Event 2019. It's Time can take a number of meanings for each of us. Take a minute to think about the following statement and how you would (or should) finish the sentence:

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The Pulse of the Garden Center Industry – Part 2

The Pulse of the Garden Center Industry – Part 2

by Steve Bailey

Besides Revenues, what’s the most important ratio for a business selling a product? I’ll answer that one for you; it’s the COST of the product being sold.

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A Tale of Two Sears and "A Road Not Taken"

A Tale of Two Sears and "A Road Not Taken"

by Danny Summers


This past week in the WDR, Steve Bailey spotlighted recent announcements by Sears Holdings they will shrink and streamline their produce offering in the coming months as they try to reorganize AGAIN. Steve's parallel here was a challenge to Group Centers to be vigilant about the products you are offering. He has recently told me he often sees centers getting lazy on controlling inventory (and turns) when sales are strong and times are good and therefore not maximizing their profitability.

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Welcome to the ReFresh Calendar

Welcome to the ReFresh Calendar

by John Kennedy

The month of April is dedicated to the importance and impact of consistency.  From driving the customer experience to the art and science of plant health, ensure that your team sets standards to drive consistency in every aspect of the month.

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Death by Marketing

Death by Marketing

By Sid Raisch

An Italian proverb reads, “He that deceives me once, it's his fault, but if twice, it’s my fault.” The question from this is, are you dangerously close to death by marketing?

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