The GROUPtalk LIVE Series will kick off on Thursday, August 13, 2020, with an inspiring Keynote Session (11:00am - 12:30pm Eastern) followed by a GROUP Happy Hour (5:00pm - 6:00pm Eastern). Future sessions and socials are scheduled (see below) for the 2nd Thursday of each month (August 2020 through July 2021) – same times. In the coming weeks we will reveal more GROUPtalk LIVE topics and specifics. It's not too late to register and gain access to the on-demand library of all recorded sessions!

Learn More About Ken Gronbach

Be one of the first 50 Centers to Register for GROUPtalk LIVE and receive a signed copy of Ken's latest book, UPSIDE! Watch for details!
11:00am - 12:30pm Eastern
KEYNOTE KICKOFF SESSION Profiting from the Demographic Shifts Ahead Kenneth W. Gronbach, KCG Direct
The GROUPtalk-LIVE Series will kick off with a keynote presentation as futurist, demographer and author Kenneth W. Gronbach brings you into his fascinating world of counting people. Will the post covid world be a different place? How will Garden Centers need to change to appeal to the Post Pandemic Generation Y Millennials? Ken will show you why demographics precipitate economics, and not the other way around. As a forecasting tool demographics are unparalleled for seeing what’s next in world culture, economics, politics, commerce and government. What counties, states, regions, countries and continents will flourish and which will be challenged because of shifting demography?
Demography is the science of simplicity of birth, death and migration of populations. Ken’s easy to understand demographic perspective is very macro, big picture and long term. His strategies are often integrated into strategic plans in diverse sectors because of their uncanny accuracy.
Ken is president of KGC Direct, LLC and is an internationally respected demographer who has been able to forecast societal, commercial, economic, cultural and political phenomena with uncanny accuracy. He is author of the current book, “Upside: Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead“, which was released in April 2017. Ken is also the author of the bestselling book, “The Age Curve: How To Profit from the Coming Demographic Storm”.
Join us for this insightful and entertaining presentation – and enjoy the ride!
And be sure to join us at for Group Happy Hour at 5:00pm Eastern.

Learn More About Steve Bailey

Learn More About Tim Quebedeaux
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
RAISING THE BAR: P&L Study Review Steve Bailey & Tim Quebedeaux, RetailKPI Consulting
The Annual P&L Study is an industry exclusive and the most comprehensive profit and loss study of its kind. While the WDR Report focuses on sales and margins by category and transactions on a weekly basis, the Annual P&L Study includes sales and expenses and compares percent of sales for the garden center to both Best Practices/High Achievers Group – and the group as a whole. This study also includes inventory turns, margin targets by category and the resulting Gross Margin Return On Inventory Investment (GMROII).
Steve and Tim will review the 2019 P&L Study and even if you didn’t participate, you can benefit from their analysis of the numbers, ratios and trends. Everyone is invited to join this discussion that can help move your center to a higher level of success.
RAISE THE BAR with the 2019 P&L Study – whether you participated in the weekly reporting or not!
The Group's Annual P&L Study, an industry exclusive, is the most comprehensive profit and loss study of its kind. While the WDR Report focuses on sales and margins by category and transactions on a weekly basis, the Annual P&L Study includes sales and expenses and compares percent of sales for the garden center to both Best Practices/High Achievers Group – and reporting centers as a whole. This study also includes inventory turns, margin targets by category and the resulting Gross Margin Return On Inventory Investment (GMROII).
Weekly Department Review (WDR), now in its 20th year, is a compilation of sales and transaction data of 25 product/department categories. Group retailers submit their data and within days receive a complied report with their figures compared to all other centers. Reports include: Sales Group, Regional Group, and Sales by Category.

Learn More About Sid Raisch
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Building on Your Successes in 2021… and Beyond Sid Raisch, Horticultural Advantage
Moving forward from an outstanding 2020 into an even better 2021 should be a minimum expectation for every Group Client. Sid will present a Hyper-Focus on the Basics and Fundamental Tactics for moving from where you’ve arrived to an even better future place, without undue risk or leaving opportunities unnecessarily on the table.
And be sure to join us at for Group Breakout Session at 3:00pm Eastern.

Learn More About Robert Hendrickson
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Who, Why, How & What... 2020 Review and 2021 Plans Robert Hendrickson
Some people say because of C19 the future has already become "The New Normal". Others say what happened was an asterisk anomaly never to be repeated. Either perspective could be correct. Maybe a combination of both. Planning on what could happen requires reviewing what did happen.
And be sure to join us at for Group Breakout Session at 3:00pm Eastern.

Learn More About Tom Kegley |
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Tom's Graphic Tips, Tools, and Tricks of the Trade Everyday Help for the In-House Creative Tom Kegley
The creation of the memorable and engaging marketing message is a big dose of inspiration, genius, vision, spark, and all the other intangibles. But the Mona Lisa wouldn’t be except for a little thing called a brush and the Great Pyramid wouldn’t be great if not for a good tape measure. This session will share a few of Tom’s favorite programs, apps, and sources that work behind the curtain to move the creative process along in practical ways. No big mystery- just helpful everyday tools for beginning to advanced in-house creatives to use for imagery, writing, typography, presentation, printing, and more.
And be sure to join us at for Group Breakout Sessions at 3:00pm Eastern.
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Alignment 2021 John Kennedy
Join John Kennedy as he kicks off the new year with his “word of the year”—Alignment. Each year, John is known to craft a theme to drive his clients (Separation, Measurement, Clarity, and Engagement are just a few examples over the last decade). With alignment comes an intentional focus on all aspects of your business. Aligning your people with purpose, your processes with proficiency, and your customers with consistency will be three elements of Alignment John will address that all lead to one outcome—Passionate Profits.
And be sure to join us at for Group Breakout Session at 3:00pm Eastern.
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Email Newsletters Success Using Your Authentic Voice, Personal Stories, and Industry Expertise to Grow Your Business in 2021
Michael Katz
Michael is no stranger to The Garden Center Group having presented at multiple Fall Events in the past. This time, he's back to help you fine-tune one of your very best communication tools for the season ahead... your e-newsletters.
Michael says, "Customers today have more options than ever before: two-day delivery, discount pricing, online ordering, and more. But what the online sellers and big box stores don’t offer are trusted, long-term relationships with industry experts (like you).
Email newsletters – and their connection to social media – offer a low-cost, scalable, and interactive way to build and reinforce customer bonds while showcasing your knowledge and product offerings, all of which leads to more word of mouth, more repeat business, and more sales."
An award-winning humorist and former corporate marketer, Blue Penguin founder and Chief Penguin, Michael Katz, specializes in helping professional service firms and solos talk and write about their work in a way that is clear and compelling.
Since launching Blue Penguin in 2000, Michael has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Business Week Online, Bloomberg TV, Forbes.com, Inc.com, USA Today, and other national and local media.
He is the author of four books and over the past 20 years has published more than 450 issues of “The Likeable Expert Gazette,” a twice-monthly email newsletter and podcast with 6,000 passionate subscribers in over 40 countries around the world.
Michael has an MBA from Boston University and a BA in Psychology from McGill University in Montreal. He also has a second degree black belt in karate, a first degree black belt in parenting (three children), and is a past winner of the New England Press Association award for “Best Humor Columnist.”
THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2021 |

Learn More About Steve Bailey

Learn More About Tim Quebedeaux
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
RAISING THE BAR: P&L Study Review 2020 Steve Bailey & Tim Quebedeaux, RetailKPI Consulting
The Annual P&L Study is an industry exclusive and the most comprehensive profit and loss study of its kind. While the WDR Report focuses on sales and margins by category and transactions on a weekly basis, the Annual P&L Study includes sales and expenses and compares percent of sales for the garden center to both Best Practices/High Achievers Group – and the group as a whole. This study also includes inventory turns, margin targets by category and the resulting Gross Margin Return On Inventory Investment (GMROII).
Steve and Tim will review the 2020 P&L Study and even if you didn’t participate, you can benefit from their analysis of the numbers, ratios and trends. Everyone is invited to join this discussion that can help move your center to a higher level of success.
RAISE THE BAR with the 2020 P&L Study – whether you participated in the weekly reporting or not!
The Group's Annual P&L Study, an industry exclusive, is the most comprehensive profit and loss study of its kind. While the WDR Report focuses on sales and margins by category and transactions on a weekly basis, the Annual P&L Study includes sales and expenses and compares percent of sales for the garden center to both Best Practices/High Achievers Group – and reporting centers as a whole. This study also includes inventory turns, margin targets by category and the resulting Gross Margin Return On Inventory Investment (GMROII).
Weekly Department Review (WDR), now in its 20th year, is a compilation of sales and transaction data of 25 product/department categories. Group retailers submit their data and within days receive a complied report with their figures compared to all other centers. Reports include: Sales Group, Regional Group, and Sales by Category.
THURSDAY, APRIL 08, 2021 |
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Building a Social Audience with Garden Answer's Aaron and Laura LeBoutillier
This session will help you with building your social audience when Aaron and Laura at Garden Answer present on April 8th. They will share ideas utilizing their experience in building a huge following on social platforms (as high as 3.5 million Facebook followers and 1.1 million Youtube channel subscribers today).
Some of you are now featuring their videos on your website through the Proven Winners Connect+ Program. If you were with us in Salt Lake for The Fall Event you received a glimpse into their online world then. We will continue that conversation and see what has changed since then and explore new perspectives they might have for you. Don't miss it!
THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2021 |
11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Using Constant Contact to Simplify Your Digital Marketing Strategy with Thomas Nettesheim, Constant Contact
In April, Thomas gave us an overview of Constant Contact. Do you know with Constant Contact, you actually create Social Posts, manage and schedule for a later date? In this session he will do a deeper dive to discuss the full product suite that Constant Contact offers. Topics will include:
- Deeper Dive into Contacts and Segmentation
- Examples of other Campaign Types such as surveys, landing pages, and social posting
- Demo of the product
THURSDAY, JULY 08, 2021 |

11:00pm - 12:30pm Eastern
Ken Gronbach - 1 Year Later
On August 13th of last year, we introduced you to Ken Gronbach as our keynote presentation for the first GROUPtalk LIVE Series session. Ken is a nationally recognized author, expert and futurist in the field of Demography and Generational Marketing. He makes the science of shifting demography come alive with real life examples which make it relevant to today’s culture, business climate and economy. If you were there you will remember the amazing numbers Ken showed us in his projections for world and domestic population trends and how they will impact your business in the years to come.
The final Session of our 12 month-long GROUPtalk LIVE Series will return to where we began... with Ken Gronbach. This will be a conversation with Ken to see what has changed since last August in his projections and what is the long-term outlook for Garden Retailing.
Read more about Ken and this session HERE.
GROUPtalk LIVE QuickLinks:
GROUPtalk LIVE Registration GROUPtalk LIVE Series GROUPtalk LIVE Schedule GROUPtalk LIVE Happy Hour GROUP Service Providers The Garden Center Group